坛城 Mandala一 随缘 Rejoice Offering


Supreme merits: In the 《 The Original Vows Of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Sutra》, the Buddha said: “If one is able to make offerings and provide support to statues of the Buddha and Bodhisattvas, immeasurable merits and blessings will be obtained. This will bring about auspiciousness, peace, and smoothness in all matters of life.

  • 得佛护佑 Protected by the grace of Buddha
  • 远离灾厄 Free from calamities
  • 无量福报 Immeasurable merits and blessings


  1. 若有余额,将转入福田箱弘法利生,令施主功德增长无尽。
  2. 图片仅供参考。


  1. Any surplus of the offerings will be transferred to our Donation Box for Dharma propagation and to help those in need so that the merits from your donation will grow endlessly. 
  2. Pictures shown are for illustration purpose only.
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