In recent years, various natural disasters, human difficulties, and epidemics have frequently occurred around the globe, inadvertently affecting individuals’ physical and mental well-being, families, work, and studies, and causing social and economic impacts, leading to widespread unease. According to the “Sutra of the Medicine Master Lapis Lazuli Light and the Tathāgata’s Fundamental Vows and Merits,” Medicine Buddha made twelve great vows to ensure that the wishes of all sentient beings would be fulfilled, particularly to eliminate diseases, relieve difficulties, and enable beings to be endowed with perfect conditions. This is why he is known as the Buddha who eliminates disasters and prolongs life.
Through this Medicine Buddha Blessing Puja in November, we sincerely invite everyone to bring their loved ones to participate in chanting and offerings, collectively praying for disaster relief, practicing vegetarianism, and protecting life. We hope that through the compassionate vows of Medicine Buddha, everyone can be liberated from all disasters, attain peace and health, enjoy family harmony, and contribute to social harmony and world peace.
📅 03/11/2024(日)(Sunday)
⏰ 9.00am-3.00pm
活动 Activities:供灯Light Offering🕯️、供花Flower Offering💐、放生 Animal Liberation🕊️、诵经Recite Scriptures📙、义卖活动 Bazaar Activities🛍️
地点 𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐞:雪隆观音殿 (PJ SS23)
祈福供养已圆满结束。感恩及随喜大家! 🙏🏻
Blessing Offering has ended. Rejoice! 🙏🏻
佛陀在《观世音菩萨普门品》说,若有人受持观世音菩萨的名号,乃至一时礼拜供养观世音菩萨,所获的福报,等于称名供养六十二亿恒河沙菩萨的功德,并且于百千万亿劫不可穷尽。 Gautama Buddha once said in the Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, if one recites the name of Guan Yin Bodhisattva, or even prostrate and make offerings to Her, the merits gained is equivalent to one who recites the name and offer to 6.2 billion Ganges sand of Bodhisattva, and these merits would be endless for trillions of kalpas. (详情 Details)