佛陀在《观世音菩萨普门品》说,若有人受持观世音菩萨的名号,乃至一时礼拜供养观世音菩萨,所获的福报,等于称名供养六十二亿恒河沙菩萨的功德,并且于百千万亿劫不可穷尽。 Gautama Buddha once said in the Universal Gate Chapter on Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, if one recites the name of Guan Yin Bodhisattva, or even prostrate and make offerings to Her, the merits gained is equivalent to one who recites the name and offer to 6.2 billion Ganges sand of Bodhisattva, and these merits would be endless for trillions of kalpas.  (详情 Details)

繁华都市中的静谧之地 A Spot Of Serenity Amidst The Hustle City.

A spot of serenity amidst the hustle city.

A place to clear up troubles and purify your mind.

An oasis to relax your body and soothe your mind.

A hall that expands the breath and depth of your mind.


周一至五 Mon-Fri :10am-7pm

周六 Sat:9:30am-3pm

周日 Sun: 10am-2pm
公共假期 Public Holiday : 10am-2pm



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