
慧光闪耀灯 Wisdom’s Shining Lantern



礼物: 米袋, 硬币红包袋 , 许愿牌。

The Wisdom’s Shining Light emphasizes the radiance of wisdom and discernment. It serves as a symbol of intellectual clarity and spiritual insight. This lamp, too, adorns the Guanyin Hall, signifying a continuous journey towards enlightenment and understanding. The devotee’s name is inscribed on a plaque, representing a year-long blessing and a journey towards greater wisdom.

Free Gifts: Bag of Rice,Coin Red Packet Bag and Wishing Plaque

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  1. 新春灯笼会全年悬挂在观音殿内,将施主善愿照亮法界。 
  2. 列祈福名单。对于不符合规格书写的祈福名字,本会拥有最后解释权。


  1. Lanterns will be hung inside the Guan Yin Hall all year round to illuminate the world with the benefactors’ kind wishes.  
  2. Blessing names will be listed.   BFM reserves the final right to make changes to the blessing names if they are not written according to the proposed format.  
为期 Duration

半年 Half-Year, 一年 1-Year

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