平安供养 Harmonious Offerings


众生被困厄 无量苦逼身 观音妙智力 能救世间苦



“Living beings suffer in agony, 
Oppressed by immeasurable pain;
The power of Avalokitesvara’s wondrous wisdom 
Can bring liberation from the world’s sufferings.” 

Whatever kind of body would sentient beings have confidence in, bodhisattva would thus manifest in that kind of body to teach dharma. Guan Yin Bodhisattva has unimaginable wisdom, able to come and go freely. Prayers offered in thousand places, she would thus appear in thousand places, diligently saving sentient beings from all sufferings in the world.

Respectfully look up to her compassionate moral goodness, vow to learn from her. May I also be like bodhisattva in the future, able to come and go freely, to help self and others eliminate sufferings and attain happiness. 

Offering Royal Ease Guan Yin Statue, giveaway one year of [Step-up Bright Light] (Year 2025). We will also set up a blessing inscription for donors throughout 3 Guan Yin Blessing Pujas a year. May auspicious follow you day and night! 

Availability: 26 in stock

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