吉祥供养 Auspicious Offerings


具足神通力 广修智方便 十方诸国土 无刹不现身



 “Perfect in supernatural powers, 
Widely practising the skillful means of wisdom, 
In all the lands of the ten directions, 
There is no place where she fails to manifest.”  

There are hundreds and thousands kinds of sentient beings, Guan Yin Bodhisattva thus manifests into billion kinds of body, using all sorts of supernatural power and means to help sentient beings. 

Respectfully look up to her compassionate morale goodness, vow to learn from her. May I also be like bodhisattva in the future, having hundreds and thousands of means to help self and others to eliminate sufferings, attain happiness.

Offering Thousand Hands Guan Yin Bodhisattva statue, giveaway one year of [Step-up Bright Light] (Year 2025). We will also set up a blessing inscription for donors throughout 3 Guan Yin Blessing Pujas a year. May auspicious follow you day and night! 


Availability: 4 in stock

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