Buddha’s Rejoice Day & Birthday of Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva






《Buddha’s Rejoice Day & Birthday of Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva》

The lunar month of July is a time for reflecting on filial piety and gratitude. Buddha’s rejoice Day, Ullambana Festival, the monks’ end of summer retreat, and the birthday of Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva all fall in this special month.

Long ago, Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva made a great vow, ” I will set up numerous methods for the countless beings in the six realms of suffering for countless eons, until they are liberated, and only then will I achieve Buddhahood.” The merits of Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva are as vast as space, as deep as the ocean, and as high as Mount Meru. Even if all the Buddhas of the ten directions praised him continuously for countless eons, they could not fully express his merits.

On the 30th day of the lunar month of July, Selangor & Kuala Lumpur Ban Foo Organisation will hold the 《Buddha Rejoice’s Day & Birthday of Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva》 on 1/9/ 2024.

We sincerely invite everyone to join the Dharma Assembly for blessings, animal liberation , sutra recitation , offering lamps, flowers, and other meritorious activities. Accumulate boundless merits for oneself and others, dedicating the merits to our ancestors and parents across generations, wishing for the present parents’ happiness and longevity, and that the past seven generations of parents may receive immeasurable merits and ultimate happiness. Through this precious occasion and solemn assembly, cultivate compassion and filial piety like the Bodhisattvas, sowing the seeds of virtue for personal happiness.

04/8/24 (农历七月初一) (星期日)10am-11am 恭诵《地藏经》上卷

Recitation of the Ksitigarbha Sutra(Vol. 1)

18/8/24 (农历七月十五) (星期日)10am-11am 恭诵《地藏经》中卷

Recitation of  the Ksitigarbha Sutra(Vol. 2)
🔴 https://youtube.com/live/iaEa-jcA0ds?feature=share

01/9/2024(农历七月廿九)(星期日)10am-11am 恭诵《地藏经》下卷

Recitation of the Ksitigarbha Sutra(Vol. 3)
🔴 https://youtube.com/live/IgL02LibxbI?feature=share


雪隆观音殿(PJ SS23)Guan Yin Hall (PJSS23)


Event Highlights: Animals Liberation ,  Recitation of the Kṣitigarbha Sutra (Volume 3) , Generous offering, Lights Offering ,Flowers Offering  ,  Vegetarians Meal  Offering etc.

供养项目 Online Offerings

线上供养登记开放至 31/8/ 2024 ,晚上 9:00PM。法会当日开放现场登记供养。

Blessing Offerings Registration open until 9:00PM, 31 August 2024. During the event, offerings can be made on the spot.

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