大乘起信论裂网疏云: 从初发心乃至成佛。并赖善知识缘也。从初发心。即赖此缘增行入道。乃至成佛。亦赖此缘增行入道。可见若欲增行入道。并赖善知识缘也。 《大乘起信论裂网疏》告诉我们,从初发心直到成佛,要学习正法乃至证得无上菩提,都必须依靠善知识。 As stated in the Commentary on the Awakening of Mahayana Faith: From the moment we make the Mahayana aspiration till we attain Buddhahood, we will need to rely on the teacher in order to learn the teachings to attain the state of Buddhahood. 大般涅盘经云: 善男子。如空中月从初一日至十五日渐渐增长。善知识者亦复如是。令诸学人渐远恶法增长善法。 《大般涅盘经》中说:就好比空中的明月,从初一到十五,善知识逐渐让学的人远离恶法,增长善法。 As stated in the Mahayana Mahaparinirvana […]