Ancestral Remembrance: Light a Lamp and Pray for Blessings – Reviving Traditional Culture, Upholding Buddhist Wisdom
Namo Amitabha! In celebration of the Qingming Festival, the Malaysia Wanfu Buddhist Association cordially invites you to join us in our solemn Clear and Bright Ancestral Remembrance and Lamp Lighting Ceremony. Let us come together to uphold Buddhist wisdom, preserve the rich cultural heritage of the Chinese community, accumulate good karma, and purify our minds.
The Qingming Festival is a traditional event celebrated by the Han Chinese and some ethnic groups, embodying the legacy of respecting our ancestors and the moral values of honoring the past and being diligent in the present. On this special day, let us employ Buddhist wisdom to express our grief, show gratitude towards our ancestors, and give back to society. Together, let us pray for our ancestors, wishing them an early liberation from the cycle of birth and death, and attainment of Buddhahood.
活动详情如下 Event details are as follows:
活动名称 Event:清明节点灯祈福共修 Ancestral Remembrance Lamp Offering Blessing Puja
主办单位 Organizer:马来西亚万福佛学会 Malaysia Ban Foo Buddhist Organisation
日期 Date:2023年4月5日(星期三)May 4, 2023 (Wednesday)
时间 Time:上午10时至11时 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
地点 Venue:万福观音殿 Ban Foo Guan Yin Hall https://goo.gl/maps/qMZwjQ2dr5fepbHq8
共修内容 Program:恭诵《普贤行愿品》Recitation of “The Practices and Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Chapter”
诚邀广大佛教信众参与,共同感受佛法的庄严与祥和。愿此次活动能够凝聚广大信众的力量,广结善缘,传承中华优良传统文化,弘扬佛教教义。We warmly welcome all Buddhist practitioners to participate and share in the solemnity and auspiciousness of the Dharma. May this event unite the strength of all devotees, foster good connections, perpetuate traditional Chinese culture, and promote Buddhist teachings.
供养项目 Offering Items
供养登记开放至2023年4月4日11:59pm Offering Registration is open until April 4th, 2023, at 11:59PM.
查询电话 Enquiries:
高爱莲 Irene 019-689 3999 办公室 Office: 03-7802 8401