能令学者相续之中,下至发起一德,损減一过,一切善乐之本源者,厥为善知识 ;因为有师父,我们才懂得正确离苦得乐之道。
The excellent advisor is the source of all temporary happiness and certain goodness, beginning with the production of a single good quality and the reduction of a single fault in a scholar's mind and eventually encompassing all the knowledge beyond that. Because of the venerable Master, we know the true pathway to escape from sufferings and attain happiness in our lives.
Every 15th of October each year is a day to remember our venerable Master. On this special occasion, we cordially invite you to join us in recitation of ‘Prajna Paramita Sutra 456 scroll’ with a grateful heart. Our master will be definitely delighted when he knows us practicing good virtues. May our master always remember us, bless us, accompany us and guide us until we reach The Vajra Throne.
To recite the “Prajnaparamita Sutra” vol:456
日期 Date : 农历八月初一 15/10/2024 (二)(Tuesday )
时间 Time: 10am – 11am
📍 欢迎随喜到雪隆观音殿诵经 Welcome to participate in recitation at the KLSEL Ban Foo Guan Yin Hall
📌 每逢初一、十五提供大众免费斋食,派完为止。Free vegetarian food will be served on every 1st and 15th of the month until supplies last.
随缘供养 Rejoice Offerings
诵经回向 Dedication of Prayer Recitation
每月农历初一、十五进行诵经:诵《普门品》,《大般若经》,《药师经》。每个诵经法会圆满时 ,回向名单会放上影幕作回向。
- 回向生者 : 业障病障消除,身心得安康。
- 回向亡者 : 各随所愿,往生净土, 或得暇满身, 生生增上, 学修正法, 速成佛道。
Every first & fifteenth of each lunar month: To recite the “Chapter of Universal Door of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva”, “Maha Prajna Paramita Sutra”, “The Sutra of Medicine Buddha”. After every Puja recitation is completed, the dedication name list shall remain on the screen for further dedications.
- Dedicate to the living: For all non-virtuous karma and diseases to be eliminated, attaining good health of body and mind.
- Dedicate to the deceased : According to one’s will, rebirth in Pure Land, or to obtain life of leisure and opportunity to learn Buddha’s teachings, and quickly attain Buddhahood
PS: Registration of meritorious dedication will be cut off at 8pm one day before each Puja recitation. Names that are submitted after that will be dedicated in the next Puja recitation.