药师七佛福慧八供养 (一日功德主) Seven Medicine Buddhas Bliss Wisdom Eight Offerings (Daily Donors)










』— 供养梅子果冻,即食物,象征世间的味觉享受;祈愿众生不受饥饿之苦,食物丰足。 




From 24 to 30 October 2022, set up blessing inscription for Daily Donors, by offering Eight Offerings to the Seven Medicine Buddhas for a day. 

Eight Offerings are senses that we experienced to make pure offerings to all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. The enjoyment of these five sensory faculties (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body) are called (Form, Sound, Smell, Taste, Contact). These Five Types of Wondrous Desire contains all the wonderful things in this world.  

Water』Offering (calamansi juice) to all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to drink, praying to free all sentient beings from thirst of longing.   

Water』Offering (foot bath herbs) to all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas for washing, supplicate that all sentient beings attain purified body, eliminate all meditation obscuration.  

Flower』Offering (crystal lotus) all the wonderful things in this world experienced through the eyes, supplicate that all sentient beings to have dignified appearance, obtaining Buddha’s body.  

Incense』Offering (coil incense) all the things experienced through the nose, supplicate that all sentient beings gain achievements in practice, emanate fragrance from one’s heart.   

Light』Offering (Lotus Lamp) brightness, supplicate that all sentient beings will eliminate ignorance and foolishness.  

Fragrance 』Offering (peppermint essential oil) aromatic oil that apply on the body, symbolising the contact experienced in the world, supplicate that all sentient beings eliminate bad habits.  

Fruit』Offering (plum jelly) also known as food, symbolising the taste experienced in the world, supplicate that all sentient beings will not suffer starvation, having abundance of food.  

Music』Offering (blessing bell) music, symbolising the sound experienced in the world, supplicate that all sentient beings listening to Dharma with a joyful heart.   

Supplicate that:   

Keep away from disasters, eliminate afflictions, healthy body and mind, longevity and abundance, abundant of clothes and food for infinite lives with no worries of shortage, obtain correct views, engage in pure religious practices, growth in achievements of practice, all prayers and kind wishes to be granted.  

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  1. 为一日功德主敬设祈福牌位,祈求药师七佛加持。供养后隔天,功德主可按通知领取加持供品金桔有汽饮料、泡脚药丸、水晶莲花、环香、莲花灯薄荷精油梅子果冻和祈福铃)。  
  2. 供养日期2022年10月24-30日。大会将依供养次序为每日功德主设供,限28个名额。 
  3. 示意图仅供参考,部分供品款式会稍有不同(价值相等)。 
  4. 由于供品含易碎物品,建议供养者亲自来领取供品。若选择邮寄,需承担物流导致损坏的风险。 
  5. 若有余额,将转入福田箱弘法利生,令施主功德增长无尽。 
  6. 列祈福名单。对于不符合规格书写的祈福名字,本会拥有最后解释权。 
  1. Blessing inscription will be set up for daily offerings and blessings from Seven Medicine Buddhas. After the puja, you may opt for self-collection or delivery of the offering items (calamansi juice, foot bath herbs, crystal lotus, coil incense,  lotus lamp, peppermint essential oil, plum jelly & blessing bell). 
  2. Offering period is from 24 to 30 Oct 2022. BFM will decide the date of daily offering according to the order of registration received. Limited to 28 sets.  
  3. Illustration is for reference only. Some items may come in different designs with the same value. 
  4. Due to the fragility of certain items, donors are advised to pick up the items in person. Should you choose the delivery option, kindly note the risk of damage. 
  5. Any surplus from the offerings will be transferred to BFM’s donation box for Dharma Propagation, as well as to help those in need. The merits from your donation will grow endlessly.       
  6. Names for blessing will be listed.   BFM reserves the final right to make changes to the names if they are not written according to the format.    
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