《药师琉璃光七佛本愿功德经》中云:“若有净信男子、女人等… 若读, 若诵, 若为他人演说其义, 于诸含识起大悲心, 昼夜六时, 香华灯烛, 殷重供养, 清净澡浴, 持八戒斋, 至诚念诵, 所有极重无边业障, 悉皆消灭, 于现身中离诸烦恼, 命欲终时诸佛护念, 即于彼国莲花化生。”
生者业病障消除,身心安康,福慧增长,恒闻正法,出离烦恼,发菩提心;亡者得诸佛护念,往生净土或善趣, 早日圆成菩提道。
The Sutra of Medicine Buddha, “If men and women of pure faith etc … read, recite, if you speak of righteousness for others, if you know great compassion in all your beings, at six o’clock in the day and night, incense lamps and candles, and heavy offerings , a clean bath, the eight precepts, the sincere recitation, all the extremely heavy and boundless karmic obstacles, all are destroyed, and all defilements are freed from all defilements in appearance At the end of the life, the Buddhas protect the mind, that is, the reincarnation of the lotus flower in another country.
Through the earnest offerings in front of the Seven Medicine Buddhas, one can receive the blessings of Buddhas and all special benefits.
Supplicating that:
The karmic obstacles of the living be eliminated, the body and mind are healthy, the blessings and wisdom increased, listen to Dharma at all times, get rid of afflictions, obtain the spirit of enlightenment; the deceased receive the protection of Buddhas, pass on to the Pure Land of Rebirth or to the Happy Realms, and attain the path of Buddhahood.