49天49盏药师光明灯 49 Lamps for 49 Consecutive Days


  1. 照世如灯。 
  2. 肉眼不坏。 
  3. 得于天眼。 
  4. 善恶智能。 
  5. 灭除大暗。 
  6. 得智能明。 
  7. 不在暗处。 
  8. 具大福报。 
  9. 命终生天。
  10. 速证涅槃。


06/09/2022 至 24/10/2022, 49天日夜相继不间断以49盏电子灯集体供养药师七佛 



“Sutra of Offerings (Danashikara Sutra)” recorded, “the person who offers glowing lamp would obtain uncountable merits which only Buddha would know.” Lighting 49 lamps in front of the 7 Medicine Buddhas for 49 consecutive days can earn you incredible blessings. “Sutra of Differential Karmic Results (or Sukasutra)” also mentioned that all living beings can obtain ten profound merits by offering a lamp: 

  1. Just like a glowing lamp in lighting up the whole world. 
  2. No ophthalmologic diseases. 
  3. Easy to attain divine sight. 
  4. With wisdom to distinguish between good and evil. 
  5. Would not commit dusky topsy-turvy deeds. 
  6. Would not be obstructed by external conditions. 
  7. Would not be born in gloomy and shady places. 
  8. Would enjoy great merits. 
  9. Would ascend to heaven after death. 
  10. Could swiftly attain nirvana. 


Lamp is a symbol of wisdom and illumination, lighting up the way towards kindness. 

From 06/09/2022 to 24/10/2022 

For 49 days, day and night, collectively offer 49 LED lamps to Seven Medicine Buddhas, 

Supplicating that, 

Those living will be physically and mentally well, eliminating disasters and prolonging their lives. The deceased will be guided by Buddha and Bodhisattvas to the Happy Realms or Pure Land, and meet the Three Jewels, to attain Buddhahood. 



1. 若有余额,将转入福田箱弘法利生,令施主功德增长无尽。

2. 为亡者做功德,可写:“已故[姓名]/[姓名]的历代祖先/[姓名]的历劫六亲眷属/[姓 名]的历劫冤亲债主”。

3. 列祈福名单。对于不符合规格书写的回向名字,本会拥有最后解释权。


1.Any surplus of the offerings will be transferred to our Donation Box for Dharma propagation and to help those in need so that the merits from your donation will grow endlessly.    

2.To dedicate merits to the deceased, you may write: “Late (Name)/ (Name)’s ancestors/ (Name)’s family of past lives/ (Name)’s creditors of past lives”.

3. Blessing names will be listed.   BFM reserves the final right to make changes to the blessing names if they are not written according to the proposed format. 

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