佛陀成道日 ——跨年祈福法会 & 民谣音乐会
Gautama Buddha's Enlightenment Day —— New Year Blessing Puja & Back to School Music Concert🎶

农历十二月八日,是纪念释迦牟尼佛在菩提树下证得无上菩提的日子,同时也是中华传统文化中的腊八节。2022年最后一场殊胜法会,让我们一起 集聚资粮迎新年!

日期 & 时间 : 

2022年12月30日 (五). 10am-12pm

        2022年12月31 日 (六), 11am – 12.10am

地点 : 总部观音殿,光明殿 

The 8th day of the twelfth lunar month commemorates the day when Shakyamuni Buddha attained the unsurpassed enlightenment under the Bodhi tree, concurrently named Laba Festival in traditional Chinese culture. The last auspicious blessing puja in 2022, let us take this opportunity to accumulate merits and welcome the new year together!

Date & Time : 

30th December 2022 (Fri), 10am-12pm

31st December 2022 (Sat), 11am – 12.10am

Venue : HQ Guan Yin Hall & Luminous Hall

活动内容 Activities:

广大供养、腊八粥结缘、供僧、素食结缘、诵经,感恩祈福、Back To School 民谣音乐会 。

Offering to monks, mass offerings of Laba porridge and vegetarian food, sutra chanting, and “Back To School” folk music concert🎶



祈福供养 Blessing Offerings 


Online offering is available till 29/12/2022 12pm. (Offerings can also be registered during the puja.)

查询 Enquiries: 

办公室 Office 03-7802 8401  

邱燕玲 Yen Ling 019-263 2522 

林爱玲 Aileen 017-377 6566  

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