配合国庆日的到来,马六甲般若佛学会文化教育组举办了 2020年爱国绘画比赛 和 2020年爱国写作比赛。不仅5至15岁的德育班、少年班和青少年班的孩子们积极参与,就连文教老师们也纷纷发心献上自己的作品!这次的活动主题是“我爱马来西亚”。作品中可以感受到,老师与孩子们对祖国马来西亚的爱惜之心。就让我们来欣赏这次参与的作品,一同欢庆这个意义重大的日子。
As National Day arrived, Bo Re Melaka Cultural & Education Division had organised 2020 Patriotic Painting Competition and 2020 Patriotic Writing Competition. Children from the ethics class and youth class, with age ranging from 5 to 15 years old had actively joined the competitions. This time, even voluntary teachers willingly contributed their works. The theme of this event is “I Love Malaysia”. In their works, we can feel their love and patriotic sentiment towards our homeland, Malaysia. Let us appreciate the works submitted and celebrate this historical, prominent and significant day together.